About Zillet
In traditional banking or exchanges, when you open an account, they create an account in their system, retaining all your personal information, account passwords, balances, and transactions, ultimately controlling your money. They also charge fees for managing your account and offering services like refunding stolen transactions.
Instead, Zillet enables you to be the master of your crypto destiny. You can enjoy the expertise of crypto trading experts and utilize the best crypto trading and analysis tools available. Whether you need tools for crypto trading, charting, research, investigation, or monitoring, Zillet has got you covered.
With Zillet, you decide how much money to send, where to send it, and for how long to hold suspicious deposits. It grants you the freedom that traditional banking or exchanges often restrict.
Embrace the power of Zillet and experience the limitless possibilities of managing your crypto assets with best-in-class tools and complete control over your keys and funds.