About PinkMoon
To ensure the stability of the project, any whale trades or transactions (sell/buy) that involve more than 0.05% of the total supply will be rejected, safeguarding against market manipulation. At launch, 45% of the total PinkMoon supply will have its liquidity locked with Unicrypt, providing additional security.
By renouncing the ownership of the contract, the development team has placed their trust in the community, allowing for a truly decentralized and community-driven environment. In the spirit of fairness, all team tokens were burned, and the developers participated in the fair launch alongside everyone else.
As a PinkMoon holder, your influence and power within the project will continue to grow. This entails receiving allocations and the ability to vote for your favorite Initial Dex Offerings (IDOs). To support you in this journey, we offer the best crypto tools, including expert crypto trading tools, advanced crypto analysis tools, comprehensive charting tools for crypto, top-notch crypto research tools, as well as state-of-the-art cryptocurrency investigation and monitoring tools.