Our platform is designed for secure and hassle-free trading of all digital asset types. Whether you're dealing with ETH/MATIC, ERC 20s, ERC 721s, or ERC 1155s, allows you to trade any quantity and combination of these supported assets.
When you initiate a swap on, the assets are transferred directly to NFT Protocol on-chain. These assets can only be released to the swap creator or a counterparty who fulfills the swap conditions for execution. Rest assured that user signatures are never collected or stored, prioritizing your privacy and security.
At, anything that can be traded on Ethereum or Polygon can be traded on our platform. We unlock liquidity for illiquid assets through multi-asset barter, all while ensuring the utmost security. Our vision for the future of NFT trading is multi-asset and 100% on-chain.
To enhance your crypto trading experience, we offer the best crypto tools and utilize the expertise of crypto trading experts. Our platform features the best crypto trading tools, including top-notch charting tools and comprehensive crypto research tools.
You can rely on our cryptocurrency investigation tools and cryptocurrency monitoring tools to gain insights and stay informed in the dynamic crypto market. These tools empower you to make informed trading decisions and stay ahead of the curve.
As part of our ecosystem, $NFT is NFT Protocol's governance and utility token. It is used to calculate protocol fees, reward users, and enable participation in governance. With, you have access to the best crypto trading tools and a robust ecosystem that prioritizes your needs as a trader.