About Lumina
No matter if you hold BTC, ETH, or any type of digital asset, Lumina serves as your single source of truth. Say goodbye to scattered information and finally see your entire portfolio in one place. With Lumina, you can track historical performance, current positions, and total cost basis effortlessly.
Stay up-to-date with updated news and insightful analysis relevant to your holdings, whether you're on the web or on the go using the Lumina mobile app. With Lumina's intuitive interface, you can access real-time market data, crypto trading experts, and the best crypto trading tools to make informed decisions.
Lumina goes above and beyond by automatically resolving all exchange trades and transfers between exchanges, wallets, and custody solutions. Even for trades done offline or at OTC venues, Lumina aggregates unresolved activity, making the resolution process super simple.
Gain a competitive edge in the crypto market with the best charting tools for crypto, best crypto research tools, cryptocurrency investigation tools, and cryptocurrency monitoring tools all available at your fingertips through Lumina. Experience the ease and efficiency of managing your crypto investments with Lumina's comprehensive suite of features.