Horizon by Harmony
About Horizon by Harmony
To ensure the accuracy and reliability of transactions, Horizon employs a pool of validators who actively monitor events on both Ethereum and Harmony bridge smart contracts. These validators are responsible for validating token lock actions on the Ethereum blockchain and relaying the verified information to the Harmony blockchain. In this process, an equal amount of the bridged token is minted on Harmony. Similarly, when a bridged token burn is detected on the Harmony blockchain, the pool of validators validates and communicates the finalized information.
With its groundbreaking features and seamless integration across multiple blockchains, Horizon has become a go-to solution for crypto trading experts. Its robustness and reliability make it one of the best crypto trading tools available in the market. Additionally, Horizon offers the best crypto analysis tools, granting users valuable insights and data to make informed trading decisions. Its charting tools for crypto are regarded as the industry's finest, providing traders with essential visualizations for effective analysis.
Furthermore, Horizon presents a range of crypto research tools that empower users to conduct in-depth investigations on various cryptocurrencies. These tools facilitate comprehensive exploration and analysis of coin fundamentals, market trends, and other critical factors. Moreover, Horizon offers invaluable cryptocurrency monitoring tools, allowing users to stay updated on real-time market movements and monitor their portfolio performance effortlessly.
In summary, Horizon's comprehensive suite of services and cutting-edge functionalities make it an indispensable tool for crypto traders and investors. Whether you need advanced charting capabilities, robust research tools, or reliable monitoring features, Horizon has got you covered.