About EverOwn
When a project submits its smart contract to the EverOwn locker, ownership becomes locked and secured by EverOwn. However, developers can regain access through a weighted vote from the project's investors. This unique feature builds trust between developers and investors, knowing that they have a say in the governance of the project.
In addition to providing security and decentralization, EverOwn also equips projects with the best crypto trading tools, analysis tools, charting tools, and research tools. These tools assist in making informed decisions during crypto trading and ensure successful project management.
Furthermore, EverOwn understands the significance of thorough investigation and monitoring in the cryptocurrency world. Hence, they provide top-notch cryptocurrency investigation and monitoring tools. These tools enable investors to stay updated and actively participate in the project, while assuring them that the smart contract will not change without notice.
Overall, EverOwn is the go-to platform for projects seeking security, decentralization, and access to the best crypto tools. It empowers developers and investors to collaborate effectively, ensuring project success in the ever-evolving crypto landscape.