About eesty
We also reward you for using our services. Every time you send cryptocurrencies from your wallet, you will earn ESTY loyalty points. These points can be exchanged for the hash power of blockhive's mining facilities or used for discounted services offered by our affiliated companies.
Our platform ensures the secure storage, sending, and receiving of cryptocurrencies and various types of blockchain assets like BTC, ETH, and ERC20 tokens. It's user-friendly, allowing you to send cryptocurrencies with just one swipe, anytime and anywhere.
We value your transactions, which is why we reward you with ESTY tokens. These tokens enable you to make exclusive purchases, such as the hash power of blockhive's mining facility.
At eesty, we strive to provide the best crypto trading tools, analysis tools, charting tools, research tools, investigation tools, and monitoring tools for your cryptocurrency needs. Trust our platform and our team of crypto trading experts to support you in your journey.