Cove Markets
About Cove Markets
Take advantage of our pre-defined allocations, such as DeFi, to buy a diversified basket of coins. Alternatively, you can build your own custom portfolio using our user-friendly do-it-yourself portfolio tool. To safeguard your investments, utilize our Stop Loss and Trailing Stop features to protect against market downturns. Similarly, our Take Profit feature automatically reduces exposure when the market surges.
Cove Markets also provides extra protection for your trades by adding safeguards to market orders, ensuring you don't execute trades at unfavourable prices. Even if an exchange website or app is experiencing technical issues, you can continue trading seamlessly through Cove Markets.
In addition to our powerful trading capabilities, Cove Markets offers real-time crypto market data widgets that can be integrated into your website or applications effortlessly. In just a minute, you can showcase rich market data and analytics without any coding required.
Trust the expertise of our crypto trading professionals and benefit from the best crypto analysis tools, charting tools, research tools, investigation tools, and monitoring tools available in the industry. Join Cove Markets today and experience the next level of crypto trading excellence. Integration is as simple as copy and paste!