Claymore Dual Miner
About Claymore Dual Miner
This mining software supports both AMD and nVidia cards, making it ideal for mixed mining rigs. It is compatible with Windows x64 and Linux x64 operating systems. To ensure uninterrupted performance, a watchdog timer regularly checks for GPU freezes and automatically restarts the miner if necessary.
To start the miner, simply double-click the Bat file. Upon initialization, the software executes setx commands to configure relevant environment variables, initializes each GPU, builds the DAG file on each GPU, and starts the hashing process. After running for about 20 seconds, you can press "s" to view your Hashing speed. If you have followed the provided steps correctly, you will see the expected screen displaying your speed.
Although every pool has a different user interface, the process remains consistent. To begin mining, visit your preferred pool's website and enter your public wallet address.
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