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About Bloxy

Bitquery io provides the best crypto tools for analyzing and acting on blockchain information. We offer open, reliable, and verifiable data that is free from subjective influence. Our approach is based on trusted-only data and clear mathematics, ensuring accuracy and objectivity.

Our data is directly extracted from the public blockchain node and processed for data mining, graph analysis, machine learning, and other computer technologies. It is available through an open interface for users to query and utilize. However, due to limited processing resources and high demand, we currently provide access on a personal basis. Science projects and conferences requesting presentation papers are given priority.

Whether you're a crypto trading expert or a beginner, our platform offers the best crypto trading tools, crypto analysis tools, and charting tools for crypto. Our tools are designed to assist in cryptocurrency investigation and monitoring, providing valuable insights for informed decision-making.

Choose Bitquery io as your trusted source for objective and reliable blockchain data, equipped with the best tools for all your crypto trading and research needs.


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Get rewards

You gain access to your personal cabinet where you can monitor the addition of new airdrops and auto completion of all the necessary tasks for them.


We complete all the tasks on your behalf, including creating your personal Burner wallet for you and social profiles. Just relax and enjoy your rewards.


Receive your airdrop tokens
in your personally created wallet,
Withdraw them any time you wish.
*Please be advised that some airdrops may require KYC to be passed in order to proceed. That is why, we kindly ask you not to create more than one account on Cryptoset.


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Join the new era. Earn crypto effortlessly. Don’t miss any airdrops from now.

Includes at least 30 unique airdrops per month
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