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About BitScreener

Discover the ultimate all-in-one app for crypto enthusiasts, equipped with the best crypto tools, crypto trading experts, and cutting-edge crypto trading tools. Our platform provides a wide range of functionalities, including tracking, price alerts, real-time portfolio management, charts, news, and engaging discussions for all 2000+ cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin.

With BitScreener, you can stay informed with real-time updates from the crypto market. Our dedicated team of data-centric financial professionals and skilled software engineers ensures the accuracy and timeliness of the information we deliver. As passionate believers in the potential of cryptocurrencies, our mission is to provide traders and investors worldwide with the most up-to-date information they need to make informed decisions.

Whether you prefer a hands-on approach or API integration from popular exchanges, our app supports manual adding mode and seamless integration with leading exchanges. Moreover, you can easily import and export data using CSV files. We make it convenient for you to access and analyze the vast amount of data available on our platform.

BitScreener is not just a mere filter and screener but a comprehensive tool for your crypto research. Our platform assesses each coin based on hundreds of market criteria, including volume, supply, performance, and much more. This meticulous evaluation ensures that you have the best crypto analysis tools at your disposal, empowering you to make informed decisions.

Moreover, our charting tools for crypto are unbeatable, providing you with the most detailed and insightful charts to visualize trends and patterns in the market. You can rely on our top-notch charting tools for accurate technical analysis and enhanced trading strategies.

We also offer a range of cryptocurrency investigation tools and cryptocurrency monitoring tools. With these tools, you can delve deeper into the world of cryptocurrencies, uncovering valuable insights and staying ahead of market movements. Our goal is to equip you with the best resources for your crypto journey.

Experience the power of BitScreener today and join our community of crypto enthusiasts, traders, and investors. You'll have access to the best crypto trading tools and the most comprehensive information on over 2000 cryptocurrencies. Don't miss out on the opportunity to make informed decisions and stay one step ahead in the world of crypto.


Track progress
Get rewards

You gain access to your personal cabinet where you can monitor the addition of new airdrops and auto completion of all the necessary tasks for them.


We complete all the tasks on your behalf, including creating your personal Burner wallet for you and social profiles. Just relax and enjoy your rewards.


Receive your airdrop tokens
in your personally created wallet,
Withdraw them any time you wish.
*Please be advised that some airdrops may require KYC to be passed in order to proceed. That is why, we kindly ask you not to create more than one account on Cryptoset.


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Join the new era. Earn crypto effortlessly. Don’t miss any airdrops from now.

Includes at least 30 unique airdrops per month
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