About Bitgur
Bitgur, our first-tier cryptocurrency market data-provider, is directly connected to numerous popular exchanges. Currently, we aggregate data from over 50 exchanges, covering more than 2000 different coins. Our Bitgur price index boasts a minimalistic and fast user interface with real-time price updates.
With our platform, you have the ability to create a custom cryptocurrency watchlist, utilizing over 30 financial indicators or charts. You can also customize the display order in the table to suit your preferences. We offer a range of traditional and unique alerts, including notifications through Telegram, email, and browser push notifications.
Additionally, we provide a professional customizable report that includes over 30 different financial indicators, offering in-depth analysis for your trading strategies. Our platform even provides automatic price channel prediction, further enhancing your trading experience.
Whether you're a crypto trading expert or a beginner in the field, our platform offers the best crypto trading tools, charting tools, research tools, investigation tools, and monitoring tools available. Join us and discover the power of our comprehensive crypto platform.