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About Bitget

Discover the ultimate crypto trading experience with Bitget, the best crypto tools and platform for savvy traders. Our mobile app puts the power of cryptocurrency spot trading right at your fingertips, allowing you to trade on the go. Whether you're using Windows or MacOS, our tailor-made desktop application ensures a seamless crypto trading experience.

With the Bitget API, integrating your trading application with our platform is quick and efficient, providing you with an easy way to enhance your trading capabilities.

Since its establishment in July 2018, Bitget has become one of the fastest-growing derivatives exchanges, with over 1.6 million registered users worldwide. Our mission is to empower traders by offering a liberal, ultimate, and fair trading experience. From futures trading to spot trading and digital assets purchasing, our platform caters to your diverse trading needs.

At Bitget, we thrive on excellence and creativity. That's why we have introduced groundbreaking flagship products such as USDT-margined futures, one-click copy trade, and Quanto swap futures. These innovative features set us apart from the competition and demonstrate our commitment to staying ahead in the crypto trading industry.

Partner with the best crypto trading experts and make informed decisions with our comprehensive suite of crypto analysis tools. From the best charting tools to cutting-edge crypto research and investigation tools, we've got you covered. Stay on top of market trends and monitor your investments with our reliable cryptocurrency monitoring tools.

Start your journey with Bitget today and experience the finest crypto trading tools and platform available in the market.
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Get rewards

You gain access to your personal cabinet where you can monitor the addition of new airdrops and auto completion of all the necessary tasks for them.


We complete all the tasks on your behalf, including creating your personal Burner wallet for you and social profiles. Just relax and enjoy your rewards.


Receive your airdrop tokens
in your personally created wallet,
Withdraw them any time you wish.
*Please be advised that some airdrops may require KYC to be passed in order to proceed. That is why, we kindly ask you not to create more than one account on Cryptoset.


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Join the new era. Earn crypto effortlessly. Don’t miss any airdrops from now.

Includes at least 30 unique airdrops per month
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