About bit4you
Manage your positions, compare and review them in one simple view. Say goodbye to manual calculations of gains and losses. Set up notifications to receive instant alerts when your desired rate is reached. Easily switch between demo and real modes on our app to test multiple strategies or trade real cryptocurrencies.
Open a free demo account on bit4you and receive 100,000 USDTs (fake) to make your first asset purchases. Utilize this demo account with 100,000 virtual USDT's (1 USDT = 1 $) to learn how crypto works. Make buy and sell transactions on your demo account to accumulate winnings. Remember, the higher your capital gains as a percentage, the greater your chances of success!
Utilize the best crypto trading tools, including charting tools, research tools, investigation tools, and monitoring tools, to enhance your trading experience. Trust our platform to provide the best tools and guidance for your crypto trading journey.