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Get MANA For Free

Imagine a decentralized virtual world where non-fungible tokens (NFTs) become objects of trade. Step into this digital universe. You can build virtual real estate, plunge headlong onto the battlefield on gaming quests and have all kinds of good fun-all while socializing with a lovely companion community. With Decentraland, the possibilities are truly endless. It presents an entirely new experience in the global metaverse built on Ethereum's blockchain technology. But what if you could not only explore the virtual world, but also collect MANA (Decentraland's native cryptocurrency), all without spending a dime? Read on for a detailed introduction to the $MANA Coin, and learn how you can get it FREE with zero risk.

What is Decentraland?

An early experimenter, Ariel Meilich and Esteban Cordano developed a crypto-based virtual world entitled Decentraland in 2015. In 2020 it opened its doors to the public with much fanfare becoming one of Web3’s hottest metaverses (in fact, as far along on that front you can get). How does Decentraland stand out from the burgeoning world of virtual worlds? In contrast to the former two, what's so great about Decentraland is that anyone can just surf onto this alternative reality created on blockchain. You only need your browser in order to readily register and all set before starting out. Despite the lack of mobile support, Decentraland promises to be an easy step into the digital void.

Within a few easy steps you are able to move across virtual scenery, attend a variety of different clubs and exhibit your diverse digital property ready for market. The range of gaming takes in the likes of Ethermon, Wonderquest and Tominoya Casino. They offer ways to explore as well as opportunities to collect art work or practice trading NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) – all with preferences for MANA. Yet the fun doesn't stop there: For developers, Decentraland is home to a Software Development Kit that calls them into this ever-changing gameverse.

How does MANA work?

MANA is Decentraland's primary cryptocurrency serving as the main medium of exchange within this ecosystem. Working as an ERC-20 token, MANA can be bought and sold or traded in various cryptocurrency exchanges. Decentraland's economic model centers around the complex relationship between MANA and LAND (digital space, essentially NFT).

LAND is thus an NFT project that can act as a virtual painting upon which users may create their own games, art galleries and casinos. Because of its limited supply, those buying LAND hope both to host applications and eventually realize the potential increase in market value. Perhaps most importantly, LAND transactions are done completely in MANA. The crypto-currency is going to be vital for buying digital real estate and perhaps even turning a profit on it.

How to get free MANA

Prominent exchanges are selling MANA. But when it comes to investing in cryptocurrencies, such as MANA, the risks from market volatility are always present. MANA can be mined as an alternative but requires large hardware costs and ongoing operational expenses.

Those who prefer a safe option to stockpile MANA is a solution. By signing up and subscribing to a newsletter, you become eligible to get free coins. This way there is no need to risk losing your money by expanding the contents of your portfolio.

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